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Book Reviews​

To ensure that your book has an influence on the market, a reliable book review is crucial. Increase the curiosity of readers and book lovers worldwide by having your work reviewed by reputable industry pros.

Kirkus Review

Kirkus Reviews was founded in 1933. An authoritative voice in book discovery, Kirkus reviews 10,000 books per year, garners an average of 2.6 million website impressions per month, and fosters 65,000 email newsletter subscribers.

It is a paid review service of Kirkus Reviews written by qualified professionals, such as librarians, nationally published journalists, creative executives, and more.

Kirkus Review - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 250-300 words of a detailed professional review
  • The turnaround time is 7 to 9 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Kirkus Review’s website
Kirkus Review - Advance
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 500 words of a detailed professional review
  • The turnaround time is 4 to 6 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Kirkus Reviews website

Blue Ink Review

BlueInk Review, the brainchild of an internationally known literary agent and an award-winning book review editor, was created with a specific purpose: to respectfully and professionally find and celebrate the best of self-published books. 

It is a paid review and all BlueInk reviewers are carefully vetted not only for their expertise in various literary genres but for their writing prowess.

Blue Ink Review - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 250-300 word objective book review that considers facts and style as the reviewer deems appropriate
  • The turnaround time is 8 to 10 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Blue Ink’s website
Blue Ink Review - Advance
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 250-300 word objective book review that considers facts and style as the reviewer deems appropriate
  • The turnaround time is 5 to 7 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Blue Ink’s website

Clarion Review

This paid for review service is ForeWord Magazine‘s answer to the growing demand for a professionally written, qualified, and objective review. With today’s growing number of published books and dwindling newspaper review sections, it’s harder than ever to get a review. This service provides a professional review, guaranteeing the same quality and word length one can see in ForeWord Magazine reviews.

Clarion Review - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 400-600 word reviews critique all aspects of your book
  • The turnaround time is 5 to 7 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Foreword Clarion Review’s website

Pacific Book Review

A book reviewer that has earned the trust of many publishers, authors, literary agents, and the media. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned author, you will receive an unbiased assessment of your book from authorities in your respective literary genre. Your work will get the chance to be a featured book of the month or one of the top 5 reviews on PBR’s homepage. It is also automatically an entrant to the Pacific Book Awards.

Founded in 2005, Pacific Book Awards accepts literary works of various genres and recognizes a book’s aesthetic appeal both in cover design and content.

Pacific Book Review - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 400-600 word review
  • The turnaround time is 6 to 8 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Pacific Book Review’s website
  • Your book will be eligible to become a featured book of the month or one of the top five reviews on Pacific Book Review’s Homepage
Pacific Book Review - Advance
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 400-600 word review
  • The turnaround time is 3 to 4 weeks
  • PDF tear sheet of the review once completed
  • The review will be posted on Pacific Book Review’s website
  • Your book will be eligible to become a featured book of the month or one of the top five reviews on Pacific Book Review’s Homepage
  • Press Release and Distribution
  • Exclusive author interview
  • Featured newsletter listing
  • Author spotlight


The US Review of Books

A contemporary website that reviews both traditional and self-published books. Aside from a review, your book will also be displayed on the Featured Book Reviews section on the USRB homepage and will be submitted as an entry to the Eric Hoffer Award. Established in 2005, the annual event recognizes “writing of significant merit,” “salient writing,” and “independent spirit of small publishers” as a tribute to American philosopher Eric Hoffer. Winners are featured on the USRB website and published in Best New Writing, an annual anthology of fiction and creative nonfiction.

The US Review of Books - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 250-300 detailed professional word review
  • One month book listing on The US Review of Books website under recent reviews
  • One month listing on The US Review of Books Newsletter to over 21,552 subscribers
  • One-month main page banner placement
  • Book mention to the thousands of followers on The US Review of Books social media feeds
  • The turnaround time is 4 to 5 weeks
The US Review of Books - Advance
  • 1 (one) book review
  • At least 500 word review including further summary, criticism, and source materials.
  • 1 month listing on The USRB homepage under recent reviews
  • 1 month listing on the USRB newsletter to over 21,552 subscribers
  • 1 month main page banner placement
  • Book mention to the thousands of followers on the USRB social media feeds
  • Extended feature article about the book and author with front page display on the USRB
  • Most in-depth feature in content and length
  • The turnaround time is 4 to 5 weeks

Hollywood Book Reviews

We review books for well-known authors as well as emerging authors; enabling many first time authors to reach the publishers and industry decision makers with a recognizable review. Our staff helps you get the exposure you need to market your book effectively. We review published books, manuscripts, screenplays and eBooks.

Founded in 2007 in an office in Malibu California, our CEO Nicole Sorkin has many contacts in the movie and entertainment industry. Authors, at that time, were presenting novels, manuscripts and screenplays to her knowing of her work in the book review industry.

Hollywood Book Reviews - Standard
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 400-600 word professional review
  • The turnaround time is 4 to 5 weeks
  • The review will be posted on Hollywood Book Reviews’ website
  • Eligible for featured book of the month
  • Eligible for top 5 reviews on our Homepage.
  • First page placement in Google search engines.
  • Newsletter listing
  • Review posted on Hollywood Book Reviews’ social media sites.
Hollywood Book Reviews - Advance
  • 1 (one) book review
  • 400-600 word professional review
  • The turnaround time is 4 to 5 weeks
  • Press release & distribution
  • Author spotlight listing
  • Exclusive author interview
  • The review will be posted on Hollywood Book Reviews’ website
  • Eligible for featured book of the month
  • Eligible for top 5 reviews on our Homepage.
  • First page placement in Google search engines.
  • Newsletter listing
  • Review posted on Hollywood Book Reviews’ social media sites.